Friday 12th June
Janet and Toby beside Ella |
We arrived to find men working all over Ella, lots of wood work being done on the inside. Toby isn't allowed inside the boat yet so he was attached to the rudder at the stern where he could lie in the shade.
Wooden batons |
All the wooden batons finishing off the roof and walls are all made of oak. The difference in colour is because the new wood has not been treated yet.
Finishing touches |
When the new wood is attached with screws, each screw hole is filled in with an oak plug, so that the finish is smooth and tidy.
Map box |
At the stern there is a small box tucked away where you can keep maps, Nicholson guides, Pearson guides, sunglasses, anything you might need whilst you are cruising. Very handy!!!
Inspecting the box |
I wonder what I can hide in here? Such a useful space. This space will put an end to maps and books blowing off the top of the boat!!!
Galley |
The galley is a walk through galley with work surfaces on both sides of the boat. Each end of the galley is finished with a wooden ball on the top of the post. The shape and size is just right to rub your hands over!!! Very tactile!!
Hot water cylinder |
This is in a cupboard which will act as an airing cupboard. There will also be space for hanging wet clothes in here for when it rains.
Shaver point |
Tucked away in a cupboard in the bathroom is a shaver point, very neat and tidy.
Dinette |
This is where the dining table will be and underneath each of the seats are large bins for extra storage. This space also converts into a double bed.
Engine bay |
The engine is sited in the stern. It will sit on top of the steel bars with a steel tray underneath. The engine is the last thing to go into the boat. Once that happens the boat will be ready to go into the water.
Battery tray. |
On each side of the engine bay are steel trays which will hold the bank of batteries needed to provide the power inside the boat. The batteries will be kept charged up by the engine and a generator.
Our next visit is Thursday 25th June.