Monday, 1 June 2020

1st permitted trip out this year

 Monday 1st June 2020

Today we have been allowed to travel on our boat for any distance so long as we don’t sleep on her.  So we planned a day trip with friends on nbBilly, they (as liveaboards) are allowed to sleep on their boat so are beginning their travels for the summer. This is Ella leaving the Diglis Basin and locking down onto the River Severn. 

This is Ella in the lock beside nbBilly. 

This was taken from nbBilly as we came alongside, we are travelling up river and cutting quite a wake through the water. It felt really good to be taking Ella through her paces!  

We stopped before Bevere Lock, waving goodbye to nbBilly as they continued towards Stourport where they will stop for the night.  We moored up at the mooring for Camp House pub, obviously the pub was closed but the mooring was free, had some lunch and a walk for Toby. I had to carry Toby along the pontoon as it was quite large open metal squares and he froze and refused to move!!  

After lunch we turned round and returned to Diglis Basin, a beautiful day, splendid weather and a real treat for us!  Also a delightful family of swans with three tiny cygnets, made my day!

4 locks, 8 miles and 4.5 hours. 

Basingstoke Calling - Spring 2025 - Week 3

  Monday 17th March - Stoke Bruerne to Cosgrove A dull start to the day with cloud so low that it caused very light drizzle.  However, it is...